[email protected]     8619119291431


Асноўныя формулы для шматабаротнай і няпоўнай каробкі перадач


Basic Formulas

      MA(Mechanical Advantage)=Output torque/Input torque

       Overall mechanical efficiency=MA of spur gear ×MA of worm gear

       Input torque= Output torque/MA

       Output torque=Input torque ×MA

       Efficiency%= (Output torque ×100)/(Input torque ×Gear Ratio)

       Overall Efficiency%=(Spur efficiency ×worm efficiency)/100

       Ratio= Number of turns of input/Number of turns of output

       Overall ratio=Spur gear ratio×Worm gear ratio

       Number of turns to close =Gear ratio/4

       Closing time(min)=Number of turn to close/Input speed(RPM)

       Closing time(sec)=Number of turns to close×60/Input speed(RPM)

       Input Speed(RPM)=Number of turns to close/Closing time(min)

       Number of turns to close=Input speed(RPM) ×Closing time(min)

      Input torque=(hand wheel rim effort×hand wheel diameter)/2

       Hand wheel rim effort =(Input torque×2/Hand wheel diameter

       Hand wheel diameter=(Input torque×2)/Hand wheel rim effort

没有上一个下一个: Што такое AWWA -C504-15?


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Контактные лица:Fang Zhu

Телефон: 8619119291431

Телефон :8619119291431

Почтовый ящик:[email protected]
